Laurent Flechier

Trained by Jacques Di Donato, with whom he shared the fabulous history of the Festival Fruits de Mhère, in Morvan, Laurent Flechier keeps a pronounced taste for experimentation and artistic adventures. Over the years, this desire has irrigated all musical projects with today's music, jazz, dance or theater, or traditional music.
Passionate about transmission, he has published a collection of contemporary music and various collections at the editions R. Martin, and he is involved with his students in Villefranche-sur-Saône, and with the students of the CEFEDEM AURA and FDCA of the CNSMD of Lyon, or of the ESM Bourgogne which he regularly welcomes.
After regular trips to the Balkans and learning from the virtuosos of the genre, the exploration of Eastern Balkan music has become even more present and close to the sources with the groups Kafana, or Meshka.
And of course, the creation always occupies a place of choice in particular with the collective LIGRES, meeting of artistic hybrids, where he mixes clarinet, installations, and research on the image, or in his compositions which reflect all these influences.