African Blackwood Conservation Project preserves natural resources
The American NGO African Blackwood Conservation Project (ABCP) has been working for nearly 25 years to conserve Dalbergia melanoxylon - better known as the grenadilla. This wood with multiple properties is used in many fields of activity and in particular for the manufacture of clarinets and oboes. If the demand from the instrument making industry is constant and reasonable, other sectors are putting a strong pressure on this species which is also suffering from the effects of deforestation. Moreover, this species is considered difficult to germinate, grow and mature (it takes about 80 years).
In order to preserve this precious resource, ABCP has set up replanting programs involving the local communities where the very young trees are replanted. Thanks to the cooperative efforts of schools, municipal organizations and private landowners, the NGO has been able to distribute several hundred thousand seedlings after developing a unique know-how in its nursery.
Convinced by the interest of this initiative, the Henri SELMER Paris house joined forces with other members of the CSFI to support the NGO in a context where environmental and social issues are increasingly important.
► Learn more about the African Blackwood Conservation Project
► Learn more about the French Union of Instrument Makers