Matthieu Metzger

He has appeared in the french National Jazz Orchestra - Yvinec (2009-2013), with Louis Sclavis in quintet (Lost on the way on ECM), in Marc Ducret's Grand Ensemble, with François Sarhan and Ictus ensemble, the project Inspiration Baroque with the Amarillis ensemble, and Niwashi no yume, Japanese-French quartet created during a long residency at the Villa Kujoyama of Kyoto with Rhizottome…
Sixteen years of studying saxophones with Philippe Di Betta gave him the taste for music beyond aesthetics, and his interest in the analysis materialized at the University of Poitiers by obtaining Master's degree "Meshuggah, an atypical metal / aesthetic and composition techniques".
In addition to the institutional framework, he is involved in projects of contemporary music, Mandingo, dance, the unclassifiable Anthurus quintet of Archer or Klone and the metal collective Klonosphère, the NRO band revisiting the music of Frank Zappa…
Attracted as much by the poetic and social aspect of the music as the technical means of giving him life, he is self-taught that he was trained since a young age in computer programming, acoustic, electronic machines making, acoustics, and recording - making dozens of albums, including Archer's five Anthurus opus, Rhizottome's, his productions as a leader, or the six discs Tower of Marc Ducret. He is also currently working on an open source meta e-wind instrument called "Le Bidule".
Photo credit: Mathieu Vladimir Alliard