Joris Rühl

Joris Rühl

After having studied classical music with Jacques Di Donato, Joris Rühl oriented himself towards contemporary music, written, improvised and jazz, with a predilection for projects blurring the borders between these different labels.

He is member of Umlaut since it’s creation in 2009, a collective and label devoted to creative music. He is also member of the parisian experimental Orchestra Onceim, since it’s creation in 2011

Joris Rühl could be heard a number of times on radio shows like “A l’improviste”, “Alla Breve” or “Le cri du patchwork” (on France Musique), or on the german stations WDR and SWR.

He played with musicians like Michel Donéda, Xavier Charles, Ninh Lê Quan, Eve Risser, Axel Dörner, Séverine Ballon, Fanny Paccoud

He is undertaking a meticulous research on the extended techniques on the clarinet. His taste for transmitting led him to share his researches, in the context of Master Classes and at the Conservatoire of Montreuil where he is teacher.


Photo credit : Pierre-Antoine Badaroux